Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Red House - Pie Paradise

Don't be fooled by the archaic and modest look of this place, it is an absolute wonderland for worshippers of gourmet grub. Providing you are an avid fan of pies of course! The menu hosts a selection of masterfully crafted pies, each equally as delicious as the next. These include more abstract varieties such as 'spiced mutton and apricot' pie and 'sausage, apple, onion and cider' pie. You are than guided to choose an accompanying type of mash, pies and liquor (gravy), all with their own delectable quirks. Truly a marriage made in heaven. The quality of ingredients are top notch, as is the service. And what better to wash down those golden brown beauties other than a pint of locally sourced real ale from their excellent selection. Wallet molestation can also be avoided by part-taking in "Wednesday Pie Night" where you can pick up two of these fine meals for just £10. The Fat Spoon would vouch that this is the best place to pick up pie in Newcastle...and perhaps even the world! 86%

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